Massachuesetts isn’t called “Taxachusettes” for no reason. We need to focus on the people and the economy first and stop focusing on putting politics into schools and giving away hard earned money to illegal aliens.

Protecting Seniors
Our local senior population is growing and we need to protect the greatest generation. Let’s invest in the local senior center and take care of elders as they have taken care of us.

Creating Jobs
Wilmington and Tewksbury are no longer small farm towns. We are surrounded by major corporations who pay thousands in much needed tax revenue to the towns around us and its about time we bring some big business into Wilmington and Tewksbury to support our growing financial needs.

Growing Our Economy
As our population grows so does our needs for businesses large and small. I support small businesses and will immediately submit legislation to make sure that excess COVID funds are released to the small local businesses that need it the most.

Meet Paul
It’s time to send some common sense to the State House. We can’t afford another minute, let alone two years, of the legislature mismanaging our money and continually asking for more…
Volunteer Today
If you have the means please donate to my campaign but what I really want is for you to save your hard earned money and just tell everyone you know about me. Take a free sign and place it in your yard, email me at and ask me questions or volunteer your time to get my name out. Anything you can do helps.

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Massachusetts pays millions to vendors in migrant crisis with little oversight, I-Team finds
BOSTON – The cost of the migrant and homeless crisis in Massachusetts is now approaching $1 billion. WBZ-TV’s I-Team has found the state is paying millions to vendors with little oversight on how that taxpayer money is being spent.

The Economist Admits Mass Migration is Costly and Increases Inflation
Ever since it became painfully clear that post-Covid inflation was not “transitory,” the open-borders lobby claimed that high levels of immigration would help reduce inflation. However, a recent article in the otherwise socially

Mass. taxes on hotels, meals, vehicles could rise under Healey plan
The Municipal Empowerment Act would enable cities and towns to generate more revenue by raising the maximum local option tax on hotels, motels and other rentals from 6% to 7% of the price of a room, Healey’s office said